约瑟 - 与弟兄迥别之人(创世纪37-45)
Joseph - A Man Separated From His Brothers (Gen. 37-45)

一. 爱与恨---父亲所爱,弟兄所恨
Loved and Hated---Joseph’s father loved him and his brothers hated him

  1. 爱与恨都集中於约瑟身上,因为他的性格使他与弟兄分别
    His character made him a man apart from his brothers

  2. 恨的结果---约瑟被弃被卖
    Rejected and sold

二.  受苦与高升
Suffering and exaltation

  1. 双重受苦---长期的,残酷的苦难
    Twofold suffering --- prolonged and cruel suffering
  2. 没有任何人事物可以阻挡神对我们生命的旨意
    Nothing can override God’s purpose for our lives
  3. 人若自卑,服在神大能的手下,到了时候祂必叫他升高
    Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time.

三.  爱与智慧---约瑟使哥哥们与他和好
Love and wisdom --- reconciled his brothers to himself

  1. 约瑟明白神的心意,神要藉以色列人叫万国得福
    Joseph knows the good will of God, that all the nations shall be blessed in Israel

  2. 要得神祝福的人,要真心悔改,经过试验
    True repentance leads to the blessing of God

  3. 神唤醒他们的良心,这是悔改的开始
    Their conscience being awakened is the act of repentance

  4. 他们看到(想到)自己的罪
    They remembered their sins

  5. 真心悔改,必然有行动
    Action must follow a broken heart

  6. 约瑟饶恕他的哥哥们,使他们与自己和好
    Walking in forgiveness- the reconciliation being now perfected