
活泼的盼望(1Pet 1:3-10)
A Living Hope

一.将来救恩的盼望(1: 3-5)
The hope of our salvation

  1. 盼望的根据:神的大怜悯,重生了我们,以致有永活的盼望(v.3)
        The basis of our hope: by His mercy God has begotten us to a living hope

  2. 盼望的荣耀:得着天上的基业—不能朽坏,不能玷污,不能衰残 (v.4)
        The glory of our hope: we obtained a heavenly inheritance—incorruptible,undefiled and unfading

  3. 盼望的可靠:因信蒙神能力保守,必能得着完全的救恩 (v.5)
        The security of our hope: we are kept by the power of God through faith

二.现在在试炼中有喜乐(1: 6-9)
Rejoice in the present sufferings

  1. 在试炼中可以有喜乐的原因:
    The reasons to rejoice in trials:
    1. 试炼带来忧愁,但是暂时的
      Suffering exists for only a little while, but glory lasts forever

    2. 所有的试炼是必须的,不会受多余的痛苦
      All sufferings are necessary, no senseless suffering for any Christian

    3. 试炼是多样化,各种方式的
      There are various forms of sufferings
    4. 试验的目的:荣耀归与神,证明我们信心的真实(v.7)
      The purpose of testing: gives glory to the Lord and proves the preciousness of our faith
      1. 信心经过试验的果效:魂的救恩(v.8, 9)
        The outcome of our faith: receiving the salvation of our souls

      三. 过去先知所预言的救恩(1: 10-12)
      The prophets received the message of salvation in the past

      1. 他们受圣灵(基督的灵)的感动,说出预言,忍受苦难
        Their message was inspired by the Holy Spirit (the Spirit of Christ)

      2. 他们所说的预言远超过当时他们所能理解的
        The message they spoke was far more than they could realize

      3. 天使对救恩详细察看,感到既兴奋又羡慕(v.12)
        Angels also desire to look into the salvation excitedly