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3月 章伯斯 March - Oswald Chambers
  章伯斯(Oswald Chambers)被誉为“近代奥秘派”(Modern Mystical)的使徒,是近代神兴起的一位先知和属灵的导师。他是一位进入圣所的使徒,他所传讲的信息是从至圣所宝座前所发出真理的光。神兴起他教导祂的儿女竭力进入至高之处,有人称他为近代的劳威廉(William Law),因他运用神的道如同两刃的利剑,刺入人心的深处,使人心中的思念和主意都被辨明,在创造我们的面前赤露敞开 (来五12) 。劳威廉为约翰卫斯理(John Wesley)面授的属灵导师,也是慕安得烈(Andrew Murray)属灵的启发者,经慕安得烈的整理、介绍,劳威廉的信息供应了近二百年的历史。所以,章伯斯和劳威廉都成为教师中的教师,牧人中的牧人。他们的信息是专为全然奉献者所预备的,为要为神预备金、银、宝石的器皿,以便收存在天上的宝库中。

  像美国印第安人的使徒大卫布莱纳(David Brainerd)一样,离世时只有二十九岁;苏格兰圣洁的传教士享年三十多岁;亨利马廷(Henry Martyn)三十一岁;章伯斯在世服事主的时间也不长,享年只有四十三岁。但后人为他的一生评语,就是:“虽然生命短暂,却成就了永远的事奉。”

  虽然章伯斯在神面前巨大惊人和震撼的属灵经历,使他成为神火焰的先知,但其背景却是近三十年的预备。首先,他生长在敬虔的家中,他的父亲是一位浸信会牧师,夫妻是在司布真(C.H. Surgeon)手中受浸。

  1874年7月24日 ,他生在英国的亚伯丁。十几岁时,他们搬到伦敦南门。由于他喜好艺术,毕业于肯斯敦美术学院,有二年之久旅游于各大洲。其后,他父母与司布真同工,这段期间,在街道的路灯下,他把自己生命都完全奉献给主。不久,他受浸,就加入里兰浸信会。


  从1906到1910年,他成为旅行的先知的职事。没有自己任何的计划,只有神手的引导。他与日本那卡达牧师有美好的交通和同工。他在英国、美国及日本造就了许多宣教士。 1911年,他成为圣经训练学院的专任教师。1915年至1917年,他加入青年会在埃及的工作。1917年11月15日 ,被主接去,就息了自己的工作。

  章伯斯生前,并没有自己的写作。他属灵的信息,都是他在圣经学院中上课或助谈中,他妻所记下的笔记。虽然在外面的服事上,他并没有人数众多的信徒、宏伟的教堂和广大的福音事工。但是,从一个微小的,只容纳二十五人全宿的小圣经学院,从课堂上章伯斯所发表出来的属灵的信息和亮光,却照亮了近代的信徒,而其影响力也愈来愈强,以致成为千万信徒每日阅读属灵经典之著作《竭诚为主》(My Utmost of His Highest)一书,该书也成为所有宣教士属灵生命和事奉的指引。

  《竭诚为主》为现代英文属灵书中最广泛流传的一本书。章伯斯的信息是直接进入保罗书信的真义,是他个人真实的启示和经历。关于基督的生命和事奉,有简明的阐释。可与二十世纪先知陶恕(A. W. Tozer)相比拟,陶恕的信息注重警诫教会,而章伯斯的信息就注重对工人的指导。他把历代属灵人的信息,用经历上的话说明出来。例如重生得救、奉献、十架同死、蒙召和事奉。他的信息严举和谨慎、透明和刺入,有如古时众先知的信息。

Oswald Chambers - (1874-1917), Scottish Protestant minister and teacher

Oswald Chambers was a prominent early twentieth century Scottish Protestant Christian minister and teacher, best known as the author of the widely-read devotional My Utmost for His Highest.

Chambers was born 24 July 1874 in Aberdeen, Scotland to devout Baptist parents. He accepted Christ in his teen years. While walking home from a service conducted by Charles Spurgeon, he mentioned to his father that, had there been an opportunity, he would have become a Christian. Chambers developed quickly in his faith, but did not plan to go into ministry. He studied at Kensington Art School and attended the University of Edinburgh, where he studied fine art and archaeology. But while at Edinburgh, he felt called to ministry, and transferred to Dunoon College. An unusually gifted student, Chambers soon started teaching classes and started a local society dedicated to Robert Browning, his favorite poet. But during this time, Chambers did not find satisfaction in Christianity, finding the Bible 'dull' and uninspiring.

Finally, after four years of spiritual dryness, Chambers realized that he couldn't force himself to be holy. Once he realized that the strength and peace he was looking for was Christ himself, Christ's life in exchange for his sin, he experienced great renewal so much so that he described it as a "radiant, unspeakable emancipation."

With new-found strength, Chambers traveled the world, stopping in Egypt, Japan, and America. It was on one of his trips to America that he met Gertrude Hobbs. In 1910 he was married to Hobbs, whom he affectionately called "Biddy". On 24 May 1913 Biddy gave birth to their only daughter, Kathleen.

In 1911 he founded and became principal of the Bible Training College in Clapham in London. In 1915, feeling called to the war effort (World War I), Chambers applied and was accepted as a YMCA chaplain. He announced that the Bible Training College would be suspending operations for the duration of the war. Chambers was assigned to Zeitoun in Egypt, where he ministered to Australian and New Zealand troops who were later part of the disastrous Battle of Gallipoli.

Chambers died 15 November 1917 in Egypt as the result of a ruptured appendix. He suffered the extreme pain of appendicitis for three days before seeking medical attention, refusing to take a hospital bed needed by wounded soldiers.

While there are more than 30 books that bear his name, he only penned one book, Baffled to Fight Better. His wife, Biddy, was a stenographer and could take dictation at a rate of 150 words per minute. During his time teaching at the Bible College and at various sites in Egypt, Biddy kept verbatim records of his lessons. She spent the remaining 30 years of her life compiling her records into the bulk of his published works.

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