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10月 罗伯特·默里·麦克谦 October - Robert Murray M'Cheyne

罗伯特·默里·麦克谦(Robert Murray M'Cheyne)(1813-1843), (又译作:麦琴,麦切恩,马钦芮,麦克齐尼等) 在教会的历史上是一个闻名的受人尊敬的人。他在苏格兰邓迪(Dundee)的圣彼得大教堂当了7年的牧师,直到英年早逝,死时离他三十岁的生日还差两个月。麦克谦的一生说明了一件事:生命的长短不是最重要的;最重要的,是你的一生是否完全为主燃烧、为主所用。。他在那里的事奉深深地印上了他个人的圣洁、对失丧者得救的祷告和同情,有力的传福音活动和孜孜不倦的劝勉。 十九世纪三十年代末期至四十年代早期,M'Cheyne生活圣洁,是神大大使用的仆人,有许多次记录表明,他刚到讲坛上,还没有开口讲道,就有人开始哭泣知罪。这位神仆来自上帝的同在和圣灵的浇灌。每个人在外部就能见到。1839年在他的会众中爆发的复兴运动很快传遍了整个苏格兰,使成千上万的人归向了基督。他真正地爱孩子们,并坚持向孩子们传福音。据记载“在麦克谦的教会里,尤其在复兴时期,许多孩子归向了基督。”他自己就他的教会写道: “在这里投身主工的主仆们相信孩子们是失丧的,可通过恩典而得救,因此开始对他们就象对成人一样自由传讲。且神对他们的劳苦大加尊荣,许多10岁以上的孩子们已有了重生的充分明证。”

有一次他说:“那些大多数得救的,都是在年轻时就扑向基督的……那些上了年纪的人太聪明、太谨慎而不接受神儿子的宝血的救赎,且祂向比较年轻、不太聪明的人显现……如果你问一问那些上了年纪的基督徒,他们大多数会告诉你,当他们年轻时是多么担忧自己灵魂。多好的一个寻求早年被带向基督的原因啊!如果你不是年轻时得救,那么你有可能永不会得救。年轻时是归主的好时期。”他在一个关于家庭的布道中说: “撒但在父母中撒播了一种错误的谨慎,使其不愿询问他们的孩子:‘你是否找到了主?’在永恒里看,这是多么有罪的事情啊……今晚就开始问吧。把他们带到一边问一问: ‘神为你的灵魂做了些什么?’”

这位传讲复兴信息的苏格兰牧者M'Cheyne早在一个半世纪以前已纠正我们说:「我的会众最大的需要是......」好了,你会期望这一位牧者怎样说下去呢?是某项活动或某些特别的技巧?是对事物的一种新观点?抑或是什么呢? 罗伯特·默里·麦切恩这样说下去:「......我个人的圣洁」



- Robert Murray M'Cheyne
(When this Passing World is Done)


Robert Murray M'Cheyne (pronounced, and occasionally spelled as "McCheyne"; 21 May 1813 – 25 March 1843) was a minister in the Church of Scotland from 1835 to 1843. He was born at Edinburgh, was educated at the University of Edinburgh and at the Divinity Hall of his native city, where he was taught by Thomas Chalmers. He first served as an assistant to John Bonar in the parish of Larbert and Dunipace, near Falkirk, from 1835 to 1838. Thereafter he became forever associated with St. Peter's Church (in Dundee, where he served as minister until his early death at the age of 29 during an epidemic of typhus.

Not long after his death, his friend Andrew Alexander Bonar edited his biography which was published with some of his manuscripts as The Memoir and Remains of the Rev. Robert Murray M'Cheyne. The book went into many editions. It has had a lasting influence on Evangelical Christianity worldwide.

In 1839, M'Cheyne and Bonar, together with two older ministers, Dr. Alexander Black and Dr. Alexander Keith, were sent to Palestine on a mission of inquiry to the condition of the Jews. Upon their return, their official report for the Board of Mission of the Church of Scotland was published as Narrative of a Visit to the Holy Land and Mission of Inquiry to the Jews. This led subsequently to the establishment of missions to the Jews by the Church of Scotland and by the Free Church of Scotland. During M'Cheyne's absence, his place was filled by the appointment of William Chalmers Burns to preach at St. Peter's as his assistant.

M'Cheyne was a preacher, a pastor, a poet, and wrote many letters. He was also a man of deep piety and a man of prayer. He never married.

M'Cheyne died exactly two months before the Disruption of 1843. This being so, his name was subsequently held in high honour by all the various branches of Scottish Presbyterianism, though he himself held a strong opinion against the Erastianism which led to the Disruption. Bonar records, "And when, on the 7th March of the following year (i.e. 1843), the cause of the Church was finally to be pleaded at the bar of the House of Commons, I find him writing: 'Eventful night this in the British Parliament! Once more King Jesus stands at an earthly tribunal, and they know Him not!'" (Memoir {1892 ed.}, p. 147).

M'Cheyne designed a widely used system for reading through the Bible in one year. The plan entails reading the New Testament and the Psalms through twice a year, and the Old Testament through once. [see the Bible Reading Plan]

Read more...[About R. M. M'Cheyne]



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