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11月 宣信 November - Albert Benjamin Simpson

宣信(A. B. Simpson 1843 - 1919)是一位着名的希伯来文及希腊文学者、传道人,以及国外布道事工发起人,并且又是一位著述者圣诗写作家,他更是一位敬虔爱主的人。


在一八六一年,他投入多伦多市的诺克斯学院,该学院如今并入成为多伦多大学之一部。当在学院攻读时期,他取得了多项奖学金与成绩优良奖品,同时在许多礼拜堂讲道,大受欢迎。 到了一八六五年,他毕业於诺克斯学院,被按立,受任为加拿大之安大略省,汉密敦城,诺克斯礼拜堂的牧师。结果,该教会属灵光景极其发达,但到了一八七四年,他因为体弱关系,不得不退而接受美国肯得基省,罗以斯威老城,栗树街长老会的牧职。在该地方,他给众教会燃起复兴之火。

一八七九年,他赴纽约城,任牧职於第十三街长老会。一八八一年,他辞去这发达的教会的工作,转而专向城中没有教会的区域传幅音。他在跳舞厅、戏院、公寓讲道,大奏果效。 一八八九年,他成立『福音帐幕』,作为工作的总部。有些他所引领归主的青年,有志献己为宣教土,宣信为之开设查经班及布道课程。从这一个微小的开头,日後发展为纽约城、奈约克宣教士训练学院,以及其他区域的 圣经学院。宣信之信仰,属於禧年前派,相信基督快将再来,所以,他很热切地要把福音传到世界一切未曾传到的地方,以作为主再来的准备。一八八七年,他发起了『宣道会』,该会中心是要差遣宣教土往普世界被人忽略的地方。

宣道会在全世界有十六区工场,四百多处的教会。在一八九三年,他把全世界宣道会布道区 作了一个总巡视,以後又继续作数次的部分巡视。 他写了许多的属灵书籍,如《先贤之信-四重福音》、《属天的地位》、《列王与先知》、《全然成圣》、《能力的浇灌》 (旧约、新约)、《马太福音讲义》、《马可福音讲义》、《士师记灵训》、《基督的生命》、《神医的福音》、《神医》等,及作了圣诗三百多首,大都满有属灵生命上的供应。 他息劳於纽约,奈约克家中,时在一九一九年十月廿九日。

宣信所建立的『宣道会』,不但注重悔改与重生,而且注重圣灵充满,并神的医治,以及基督千禧年前荣耀再来 - 这些有时被称为『四重福音』。


Albert Benjamin Simpson (1843-1902) , founder of The Christian and Missionary Alliance was born December 15, 1843 in Bayview, Prince Edward Island, Canada. At an early age he felt the call of God on his life to preach and later experienced a dramatic conversion to faith in Jesus Christ. After discovering a line in Walter Marshall’s Gospel Mystery of Salvation, “The first good work you will ever perform is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,” Simpson committed his life to “Jesus Only”—the anthem that also ignited an unquenchable passion in his heart to reach the lost.

He went on to enroll at Knox College (Toronto) for theological training. After graduation in 1865, Simpson accepted a pastorate at Knox Presbyterian Church in Hamilton, Ontario, marrying Margaret Henry the same weekend.

In 1873, at age 30, Simpson left Canada to pastor the Chestnut Street Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky, and later the Thirteenth Street Presbyterian Church in New York City (NYC). His desire to minister to the flood of immigrants pouring into NYC met with great opposition from the leadership of his church. He eventually resigned his prestigious pastorate and set out to establish the Gospel Tabernacle, a church in the heart of the city, where all—the poor, homeless, sick, and displaced—would be welcome.

Simpson’s ministry to New York’s immigrants caused him to wonder about the unreached masses throughout the world. It was then that he developed an insatiable burden for the worldwide evangelization of lost souls. Singlemindedly focused on this burden, Simpson began assembling like-minded people with a passion for taking the Gospel to the ends of the earth. He proceeded to hold evangelistic meetings on Sunday afternoons. These gatherings, which then grew to camp meetings and revivals in other locations along the East coast, were essentially the beginnings of The Christian and Missionary Alliance—a society fully devoted to experiencing the “deeper life” in Christ and completing the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20). Having also personally experienced a miraculous physical healing, Simpson would go on to coin the foundation of the Alliance’s doctrine—The Fourfold Gospel: Christ our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King.

Simpson was a prolific writer from the start of his ministry, having authored 101 books and countless hymns, periodicals, booklets, articles, and curriculums over his lifetime. His influence went on to move the hearts of missionaries, pastors, and people of all denominations towards spreading the gospel in all lands.

Books by Simpson:
A Larger Christian Life, Missionary Messages, Service for the King, The Challenge of Missions, The Fourfold Gospel, The Gospel of Healing, The Lord for the Body, Walking in the Spirit, Wholly Sanctified

Read more...[About A. B. Simpson]



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