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12月 迈尔 December - Frederick Brotherton Meyer

迈尔(Frederick Brotherton Meyer, 1847-1929)。这位神所大用的仆人,虽然在他的著作中,经常援引他的经历,他却用种种的理由,数度拒绝撰写自己的生平。遗憾的是,至今没有一本关于迈尔的中文传略可以提供华人信徒阅读。一百多年来,许多在中国的信徒早已知道,在西方,有一位名叫迈尔的属灵伟人,他既有深刻的属灵经历,彰显了基督的品格和美德,同时他的著作丰盈,多达七十本。而在迈尔的生前,他的书籍也已经售出五百万册。

迈尔于一八四七年四月八日生于伦敦。他们一家人住在克立凡(Clapham Common)广场,在布伦斯贝里教堂(Bloomsbury Chapel)做礼拜。那时在该教堂任牧师的,是当年英国甚富威望的威廉·布鲁克博士(Dr.William Brock)




  一八五五年,当迈尔八岁时,他们举家搬到英国南部的城市布来顿(Brighton),迈尔的父母送他到布来顿(Brighton College)学校就读。

  在布来顿时,迈尔常随父母去听罗伯逊(George Wade Robinson)讲道。罗伯逊既是传道人,又是举世闻名的诗人。罗伯逊的信息和他的诗歌互相呼应,在迈尔幼年的心灵中引起了震荡。有人研究迈尔的历史时做出推断,罗伯逊的那首《我是属他,他属我》(I am His ,and He is Mine),一百多年来非但感动了千千万万人的心,当迈尔还是孩童时,也感动了迈尔的心。并且是这首圣诗使迈尔的心溶化,引领他归向了基督,得着重生。


迈尔当年如何在福音工作上扶持慕迪,这时也照样扶持青年弟兄姐妹如宾路易师母(Jessie Penn-Lewis),叨雷(Reuben Archer Torrey),史百克(Austin Sparks)

迈尔的作品,除了两本自传体外还写了一些灵修书,包括《神引导的秘诀》(The Secret of Guidance),《我每日的祷告》(My Daily Prayer)、《在黎明的门口》(At the Gates of the Dawn)、《敬虔生活指引》(The Directory of the Devout life)、《人生的职责》(Light on Life Duties)、《重返伯特利》(Back to Bethel)、《灵修日引》(Our Daily Homily)。迈尔还写了十个旧约圣经的人物和三个新约圣经人物。迈尔又写了一些解经的书,包括《出埃及记》、《以赛亚书》、《约翰福音》、《希伯来书》、《彼得前书》和《登山宝训》。



The Rev. Frederick Brotherton Meyer (April 8, 1847 – March 28, 1929), a contemporary and friend of D. L. Moody was a Baptist pastor and evangelist in England involved in ministry and inner city mission work on both sides of the Atlantic. Author of numerous religious books and articles, many of which remain in print today, he has been described as The Archbishop of the Free Churches.

Frederick Meyer was born in London. He attended Brighton College and graduated from the University of London in 1869. He studied theology at Regent's Park College.

The Rev F. B. Meyer was part of the Higher Life movement and preached often at the Keswick Convention. He is said to have brought about the closing of hundreds of saloons and brothels.

While in York in the early 1870s F. B. Meyer met the American evangelist Dwight L. Moody, whom he introduced to other chapels, churches, and ministers in England, and by exchange was invited to make several trips to minister in America. The two preachers became lifelong friends.

F. B. Meyer wrote over 40 books, including Christian biographies and devotional commentaries on the Bible. He, along with seven other clergymen, was also a signatory to the London Manifesto asserting that the Second Coming was imminent in 1918.

Meyer began pastoring churches in 1870; his first pastorate was at Pembroke Baptist Chapel in Liverpool, his second at Priory Street Baptist Church in York, 1872. Other churches he pastored were Victoria Road Church in Leicester (1874-1878), Melbourne Hall in Leicester (1878- 1888) and Regent's Park Chapel in London (1888-1892). In 1895 Meyer went to Christ Church in Lambeth. At the time only 100 people attended the church, but within two years over 2,000 were regularly attending. He stayed there for fifteen years, and then began traveling to preach at conferences and evangelistic services. His evangelistic tours included South Africa and Asia. He also visited the United States and Canada several times. He spent the last few years of his life working as a pastor in England's churches, but still made trips to North America, including one he made at age 80.

A few days before his death, Meyer wrote the following words to a friend:

I have just heard, to my great surprise, that I have but a few days to live. It may be that before this reaches you, I shall have entered the palace. Don’t trouble to write. We shall meet in the morning.

Books by Meyer:
The Way Into the Holiest: Expositions on the Epistle to the Hebrews, The Secret of Guidance, Our Daily Homily, Christian Living

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