In memory of Sister Annie Skau Berntsen

In memory of Sister Annie Skau Berntsen, 1911 - 1992

A lady with a vision left her hometown, embarking and living on a piece of barren upland with thousands of refugees. Even so, she was filled with joy, working painstakingly to cater for the needs of the tiniest. Sister Annie is one of the founders of the Haven of Hope.

Sister Annie left her hometown, Norway, travelling a long way to Shaanxi. Then for 50 years afterwards, she dwelled in Tiu Keng Leng. Her pathway is far and long, but her repercussions on us are far more than profound. As seen from her daily life, Sister Annie's devotion is a full embodiment of the love of Jesus Christ. Deep down in her heart, it is not only about her God who rendered her a mission, but also about her grave concerns over those Chinese who were unknown and badly in need of care. Her life testimony still spurs the staff members of the Haven of Hope up to now albeit the fact that she has rested in peace for almost 20 years.

怀念司务道教士(Annie Skau Berntsen, 1911-1992)


由挪威的家乡远赴陕西,以至其后踏足五十多年前的调景岭 -- 司教士走过的路途虽远,但却总不如她的影响深远。司教士的委身精神确实把基督的爱充分彰显在她的日常生活点滴中,甚或在她的心扉里,她所思念的不仅是差遣她的神,还有每一-位跟她素未谋面、却等待着被关心的中国人。尽管她已回天家接近二十年,时至今日,她的生命见证仍然激励着在灵实工作的各同工 ... ...

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