耶稣六次受审 6 Trials

三次照犹太律法受审: Three Jewish Trials:

第一次受审 - 亚那; 约翰福音 18:12-14。
1st Trial- Annas; John 18:12-14

第二次受审 -该亚法 - 两次都是非法的, 因是在天亮之前; 路加福音 22:54。
2nd Trial- Caiaphas- both illegal because before day light; Luke 22:54.

第三次受审 - 天亮后在公会前受审, 是合法的; 路加福音 22:66-71。
3rd Trial- Sanhedrin after day light to make it legal; Luke 22:66-71.

三次受外邦人受审: Three Gentile trials:

第四次受审 - 第一次彼拉多听审; 路加福音 23:1-6。
4th Trial- Pilate for the 1st time; Luke 23:1-6.

第五次受审 -希律安提帕听审; 路加福音 23:8-12。
5th Trial- Herod Antipas; Luke 23:8-12.

第六次受审 - 第二次彼拉多听审; 路加福音 23:13-25。
6th Trial- Pilate for the 2nd time; Luke 23:13-25.

Also, Jesus was repeatedly mocked and beaten by the soldiers before, in between and after the trials on the way to his death.

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