第三十九周 我们的需要与他丰富供应

第三十九周 我们的需要与他丰富供应











“Grace to help in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16

On to Canaan’s rest still wending,
E’en thy wants and woes shall bring
Suited grace from high descending ;—
Thou shalt taste of mercy’s spring.

Wisdom and philosophy never found out God; He makes Himself known to us through our needs; necessity finds Him out. … The sinner’s heart—yes, and the saint’s heart too—is put in its right place in this way. I doubt much if we have ever learned anything solidly except we have learnt it thus.

We never ought to be discouraged, because the Lord we trust in never fails, nor can. It is just in 2 Timothy, when all was in ruin and declension, that Paul looks for his dear son to be strong in the faith: there never is so good a time for it, because it is needed, and the Lord always meets need.

I have learnt at the cross what God was to me as a sinner; and now I have to learn how He meets my wants as a saint, by feeling my need and bringing it to Him. To be hungry is not enough, I must be really starving to know what is in His heart towards me. When the prodigal was hungry he went to feed upon husks; but when he was starving, he turned to his father’s house, and then learnt the love of the father’s heart.

If we did but know a little more of the comfort and joy of drinking into the fulness of God’s love, we should feel present circumstances to be as nothing.

Whenever there is real need in the wilderness, it is a sin to doubt whether God will help us or not. … Tempting the Lord is doubting the supply of His goodness in giving all that we need.

“Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.” The leper was sure of the power, but did not know the love that was there. He carries the love right up to the leper, “and touched him, saying, I will; be thou clean.” If man touched a leper he was unclean and put out of the camp. But He cannot be defiled. … Holiness undefiled and undefilable carries to sinners the love they need.

“How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! “… This is a blessed theme, the theme of God’s thoughts—higher, as the heavens are higher than the earth, than our thoughts, the theme of God’s fathomless and illimitable grace. Here is real liberty. Do we know what it is to have our own thoughts, so narrow, so beggared, so mean, beaten down by God’s high, generous, liberal thoughts—His thoughts of us as to what we are in Christ? … Jesus is the great thought of God—God’s thoughts are expressed to us in Him. It is not an unfallen angel but a sinner quickened by the Spirit of God who can thus get into the deep thoughts of God.

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