新增英国布道家魏克思Paget Wilkes的作品:作工的炸力(The Dynamic of Service)

新增英国布道家魏克思Paget Wilkes的作品:作工的炸力(The Dynamic of Service)

英国布道家魏克思Paget Wilkes与叨雷R. A.Torry是同期的人, 他多半时间在日本宣教。他根据其丰富的经验,扼要地描绘出世人对神的态度,从中能让布道者看清罪人无可救药的光景,并且确认在神以外,没有人能靠着自己的力量和方法去拯救罪人。

Alpheus Paget Wilkes (19 January 1871 – 5 October 1934) was an English evangelical Christian missionary to Japan who was one of the founders of the Japan Evangelistic Band in 1903. In addition to extensive mission work in Japan, and touring South East Asia, he wrote a number of penetrating expositions of Christian scriptures.

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